MBA in a Box

by wjw on October 3, 2022

You can be the greatest writer in the world, but even if you are, you have to pay at least a little attention to the business side of publishing. A plan becomes necessary. Based on granular real-world experience, I have established a simple scheme for vertical intellectual property management. I have expedited distributed options, contracted strategic foundations, and generated international margin advisors. For every step in the publishing sphere I have implemented mission-critical charts, cross-sold seamless foundations, and marketed killer exchanges. I have meshed 24/365 investments, established one-to-one intellectual property exchange marts, and when necessary landed distributed advisors in many parts of the world.

Most importantly, I have creatively employed the Financial Bullshit Generator. You can skip Harvard, this page is like an MBA in a (virtual) box.

For generating global convergence and mission-critical tasking, there’s nothing like it.

Geoff October 4, 2022 at 7:06 am

To be fair, you have a lot of experience in intellectual property management, although I’m not sure it’s vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

“Managing intellectual property through all four dimensions,” might add that one to my CV…

Jim October 9, 2022 at 12:25 am

What’s scary is how plausible that sounds. Only as one dives in does one realize that WJW would never *write* a nothing-burger paragraph like that seriously. 🙂

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