Four To Go

by wjw on December 16, 2023

After five weeks of nearly-daily radiation treatments, I finally hit the wall yesterday.

I had my treatment in the morning, had some Wor Wonton soup for lunch, then had a session with my physical therapist. Then I drove home and was out for the count.

I crashed, got up to help Kathy with the lovely dinner she’d created, then went back to bed till maybe 9pm. Stayed awake for a while, then went to bed 90 minutes before my usual time.

It was the first day since treatment began that I was too tired to write.

I know people will tell me that I shouldn’t be surprised (I wasn’t), or that I’m going through changes and should take it easy (I do).

But I’m really glad I have only four treatments left.

Clyde December 17, 2023 at 8:06 am

Hang tough, Sir.

Susan December 17, 2023 at 7:03 pm

So in four days you get to ring the bell! And yeah, it was a relief when I didn’t have to drive there every day, and I didn’t have nearly as long a drive as you have.

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