Glassical Glass

by wjw on March 9, 2024

Here’s another in the series of works recently published by veterans of Taos Toolbox, the master class for writers of science fiction and fantasy..

Dorothy Winsor attended the very first Toolbox in 2008, and has been publishing regularly in the time since.

I’ve often felt that glassmaking and glassblowing was magical, and Dorothy liberalizes the metaphor with Glass Girl.

Seventeen-year-old Emlin is about to become a fully-fledged crafter of dragon-inspired stained glass. Then her mother is murdered following a mysterious, nighttime trip to the palace.

The Watch hasn’t a clue who the murderer is, so Emlin vows to find the killer herself. A series of attacks on her and her sister glassmakers makes her suspect that the attacker is keen to destroy the glass crafthouse, an event that would weaken the island’s connection to its dragon and leave it vulnerable.

Dogged by a curious if charming scholar who can’t keep his nose out of her business, she questions anyone her mother saw in the days before her death, finds herself breaking dragon-given laws, and learns things about her mother that call into question whether she’ll ever become a glassmaker — assuming she lives long enough.

When Dorothy attended Toolbox in 2008, it was clear she was in it for the long haul. Taos Toolbox can help new writers achieve their goals and build careers. And if you want to take advantage of our expertise, you have till 1 April to get your submission to us.

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