Going to the Well

by wjw on July 21, 2024

I’m not exactly good at walking nowadays, but I thought I’d manage well enough at riding around on the John Deere, so I headed to the tractor the other day with the intention of trimming the grass on our rancho and shortening the weeds. One of the tires had gone flat, but I knew it had a slow leak, so I’d prepared by acquiring a can of Fix-a-Flat. I duly screwed the can to the tire valve and watched the tire inflate.

This was the last time in the entire day that a piece of apparatus worked as designed.

After filling the tire, I tried to remove the can from the wheel, but it wouldn’t come off the valve. So then I spent maybe half an hour tugging on the thing, and trying to unscrew it, and applying various tools in hopes of expediting the can’s removal. It was over 90 degrees by that point and I probably sweated away 5-10 pounds.

Finally I said to myself, “Well, what harm would it actually do if I just drove the Deere around with the can still attached?” Other than confirm my neighbors’ opinions of my eccentricity, that is.

I was just about to put this plan into action when I thought that maybe a pair of needle-nose pliers might be able to work in between the tire valve and the can, and so I tried that, and the can actually unscrewed!

I have learned to be thankful for small solutions.

I began to trim the grass, which went well until I came near the well head, and the tires went into a pothole. I motored on, wondering where the pothole had come from, and on the next circuit I looked into the pothole and saw it was full of water, which told me all I needed to know.

What was happening was a replay of something that happened last year, which is that one of the pipes leading away from the well head had broken below the surface somewhere, and the water spewing out of it was digging a sinkhole, and the roof of the sinkhole had partly fallen in, creating the pothole.

Last year the pothole had nearly swallowed a couple of plumbers, so I really wanted to deal with this situation as soon as possible. So I clumb down off the Deere and phoned the plumbers. As it happened, I already had an appointment scheduled dive days out, to explore the reasons behind a drop in water pressure. I told them there was no exploration needed, the mystery was solved, but that I really needed a crew here. The receptionist checked with the boss, and the boss said no way, it’s five days out or nuthin’. So I called another plumber, and he said he’d check with his crews and get back to me, but of course he never did.

So I got back on the John Deere and finished the yard work, and along the way noticed a damp patch in the back, near the septic. This reminded me of something else that happened last year, in which a rogue water purifier was shooting drinking water into the waste system, resulting in the septic tank overfilling and backing up into the house, a malodorous situation eventually resolved by the Wise Old Septimancer.

I don’t know what the hell is now overpressurizing the waste water system, but I knew what to do, which was to go to the breakers and shut off the well pump.

So now we are without water, except that I turn on the well pump for a brief time every morning so we can flush the toilets, refill water jugs, and take showers. The broken pipe near the well head has got worse and is now creating a swift-flowing lake across the property, but at least it dries up when I turn off the well pump again.

So now we live like our pioneer ancestors, except with more gear to break down.

At least the damp spot near the septic is drying up.

At Home

by wjw on July 10, 2024

Kathy’s twice tested clean for COVID, so I said farewell to the Los Lunas Days Inn, and headed for home.

We celebrated with margaritas. Now I’m doing laundry.

A Day Among Others

by wjw on July 3, 2024

This morning Kathy tested positive for COVID.

I reacted bravely by fleeing for my life to a nearby hotel.

I Cannot Walk

by wjw on July 2, 2024

Oh, I can lurch. And shuffle. And I can dodder and shamble. I’m very good at hobbling. I limp, and I’m getting to be an expert at tottering.

But walk normally? Not so much.

The last month hasn’t been good to me, locomotion-wise. My knees, both of them, have taken up collapsing, fortunately not at the same time. So far I haven’t actually fallen, but I’ve come very close. The collapses are unpredictable, but I’ve learned to recognize the signs and if I can shift my weight to my other leg, I can abort the whatever-it-is.

There is a lot of pain associated with these collapses. I’ve had pain in my legs ever since my hip surgery in 2019, and sometimes it’s intense and sometimes it isn’t, but the leg pain has ramped up just in the last couple weeks, and now it’s so intense that I have trouble sleeping.

And yes, I’m seeing doctors, or at any rate I have appointments with doctors, all but one in the future, because you can’t just see a doctor in New Mexico, you have to book weeks or months ahead of time. In a couple weeks one of my knees will get scanned, and that might reveal something.

But I’m only getting one knee scanned, not both. Because if I had two knees scanned, the insurance company would assume it’s fraud and refuse to pay.

But still our politicians insist we have the best medical system in the world. (Until you get sick, of course.)

We’ve canceled our trip to Scotland for adventure and Worldcon, because there’s not a lot of point in traveling all the way to another continent if you can’t walk.

So basically I can devote the next four or five months to healing, assuming my knees want to heal. We’ll see.

In more encouraging news, I finally have my eye surgery scheduled for the end of next month. Maybe after that, I’ll be able to see more out of my left eye than a kaleidoscopic blur.

My eighth decade is not beginning well.


by wjw on June 29, 2024

Just a reminder to you all that The Accidental War, Fleet Elements, and Imperium Restored will be available on Kindle Unlimited only through tomorrow, June 30. If you haven’t got your books yet, this is the time!

Blowing Up

June 12, 2024

Taos Toolbox is three-quarters done, and a fine Toolbox it is. Every one of the participants is talented, and every one can have some kind of writing career if they want one. Over the weekend I blew up my left knee, by walking in a straight line on a sidewalk. I would have fallen had […]

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We Conquer KU

May 23, 2024

The Accidental War, Fleet Elements, and Imperium Restored are now available (for free, I believe) on Kindle Unlimited through the end of June. Because it’s the publisher arranging this— as opposed to a mere mortal like myself— the books are also available as regular ebooks on Amazon, and are also available on all other platforms. […]

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I Don My Divine Aspect

May 21, 2024
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Cured Meats

May 20, 2024

I’ve been at the Truchas Peaks Place the last week, at the Rio Hondo workshop with a group of my friends. For our first meal I provided a 16-pound Serrano ham complete with carving stand. The ham had been shipped from Iberia after spending 14 months curing in a Spanish cave. Here’s what it looked […]

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New Wheels

May 9, 2024

So after seven years with a Subaru WRX, I’ve gone and bought a new WRX. Upgunned with a 2.2-liter boxer engine that wouldn’t be complete without a ginormous turbocharger sitting on it. My old car was in good shape, and a used WRX is always in demand, so I got a very nice price for […]

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