More Scenery

by wjw on December 8, 2009

For the last few days I was involved in graduating a new crop of karate black belts. I always get the warm fuzzies watching them pound each other (and themselves) into hamburger, the more so because, as a judge, I didn’t lose any skin myself.
I still feel as if I’m on vacation, for all that I’m involved in a rewrite of Deep State. I guess I’m chiefly on a vacation from the Internet.
So here’s one of my vacation pictures, the Plus Beau village of Gordes in Provence.
Theophylact December 8, 2009 at 4:56 pm

Gordes is beautiful. And the Abbey of Sénanque, a short walk up the road, is exquisite.

john_appel December 8, 2009 at 8:31 pm

Definitely adding these to the "must see next time" file.

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