Getting Elfy-Welfy With It

by wjw on January 7, 2010

What to Icelanders do during those long winter nights?

Elves, apparently.

[thanks to julien]

Oz January 7, 2010 at 1:27 pm

What? No golden rain? That's it. I'm off elves for life.

Gregory Frost... January 7, 2010 at 3:00 pm

Dirty-talking elves. All right!

I notice though that her elf drawings would seem to indicate that the elves are the same height as the human female partners.

I do hope she gets someone else to read the audio book, however, as she actually made elf sex sound a tad tedious, except for the glowing bits of course.

Dave Bishop January 8, 2010 at 3:12 pm

I assume that as Iceland is in deep economic 'doo-doo', Icelanders need something to cheer themselves up with!

Now, what strange perversions can we Brits invent? It shouldn't present too much of a problem …

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