Grand Masters

by wjw on January 5, 2010

A video featuring all the Grand Masters of the Science Fiction Writers of America (through 2000, anyway).

The video features voices that the years have stilled. I got chills.

There’s a kind of prequel to this video featuring Jack Williamson, which for some reason is not available for embedding in such untrustworthy sites as this, but you can find Jack here.

Dave Bishop January 6, 2010 at 10:05 am

All the great heroes of my youth in one short video!

I can't help reflecting that, especially when you are young, in some odd sense, it's hard to associate your favourite authors with real people. All of those writers were a collection of sonorous names and vivid stories to me; who on earth did I think wrote those stories? A collection of Vancean sorcerers and magicians I suppose!

Anonymous January 6, 2010 at 10:41 pm

Hey, I trust you and I don't even know you! Can't figure out why the embedding isn't working, but I know it is being embedded elsewhere. Maybe, try again… and thanks for posting this.

-Eric Solstein

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