Something To Look Forward To
by wjw on July 19, 2011

Let it not be said that we are idle here at Taos Toolbox. Among other things, we have plotted and outlined Christie Yant’s next novel, put the whole thing on a series of 3×5 cards, and then stuck them on a door (because doors, as you know, are symbolic). Here’s a picture.
Nor will this picture be of any help to you if you unscrupulously— or even scrupulously— set out to steal Christie’s novel. Because the notes are cryptic and you will be unable to make sense of them— and if you do think you know what’s happening here, you’ll be wrong, and your novel will be original despite your efforts. So you’ll have benefitted from Toolbox after all, you lucky beagle, you.
That’s a familiar sight. Same door, too!
Looks like everyone is having a grand time. You’ll have to tell us all about it.
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