Another Workshop (with Me in It)

by wjw on February 3, 2012

After my last post about the workshops I’ll be teaching this year, I’ve been reminded that there was one workshop I failed to mention.  I had thought the membership was more restricted than it was, and so I reckoned a general audience wouldn’t be interested.

I will be teaching a workshop in structure and plotting on the Friday morning of the Nebula Weekend, May 17-20, 2012, in Arlington, VA.

The workshop is open to anyone with a membership for the weekend.  You do not have to be a SFWA member.  The cost is $60, which will also entitle you to the other workshops, tours, and panels on offer.  If you go so far as to buy a $75 banquet ticket, you also get to enjoy my suave toastmaster address, watch me (or maybe John Scalzi) present the Grand Master award to Connie Willis, hear the keynote address from astronaut Mike Fincke, and watch the Nebula winners stammer their way through their acceptance speeches.

Sounds good?  I thought you’d agree.

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