A Band of One

by wjw on September 28, 2015

I’ve been frantically busy and with little time for posting.   I’ve spent the last two nights at Globalquerque, the annual festival of world music, and will post more on that when I have a few free hours

But in the meantime here’s a video of Maarja Nuut, who I saw the other night.  She’s an Estonian folk singer who plays solo.  Except that she brought a band with her.  Except that her band is her.  Entirely her.

She carries electronic gear I’ve seen used by other performers, in which she can records tracks live, which she then plays so that she can then play over them live, and gradually builds up a whole orchestra’s worth of sound.  The result is hypnotic and fascinating.

As for the songs, they have to do with murdered siblings and murdered horses and the usual tales of village life in the far north.


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