Big Bundle, Big Books, Big Savings

by wjw on September 23, 2015

PKD.2015.All Covers SmallSo StoryBundle has a deal for you.  They’ve bundled six novels, each of them nominated for the Philip K Dick Award, and by Elizabeth Hand, Pat Murphy, K.W. Jeter, Gwyneth Jones, Lisa Mason, and Kathy Koja.

These ebooks are completely free of DRM and can be read on any device.  And the best part is: you decide what you want to pay.  It’s entirely up to you.

Also, you get to decide how much of that payment goes to the authors, and how much to support StoryBundle.  Plus, you can give 10% to charity.

So basically this is a promotion which you, the reader, totally control.

However, to encourage you to be generous, if you agree to pay $15.00 you get five free bonus books, including my own Knight Moves.  Each bonus book was likewise nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award, and is likewise free of DRM.

I’m going to assume that you already have your copy of Knight Moves, but the rest of these awesome literary treasures are surely worth your time, attention, and a wee bit of cash.  Que no?

But the bundle is for a limited time only, so act now!

Lisa Mason September 25, 2015 at 4:24 pm

Thank you, Walter!

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