Award Season

by wjw on January 31, 2017

Impersonations_FINALThis is the time of year in which hopeful authors post a list of their publications in the fond belief that their readers will nominate them for awards.  It’s never worked for me, but then there’s always a first time.

My list this time is short and simple: the only publication I had in 2016 was the novel Impersonations (Tor, Oct 2016), the latest in my Dread Empire’s Fall series, also known as the Praxis series.

This means not only that the book is eligible for the Novel category, but in the brand-new Hugo category of Best Series.  If you’ve a mind to, you could nominate it in both categories.  (I certainly intend to.)

There is an erroneous impression in the SF community that I’ve won Hugo awards, at least to judge by the number of times I’ve had to ask editors to remove “Hugo-Winning Author” from my titles.  It would be nice if I didn’t have to tell them that any longer.

And, let’s face it, I’m the guest of honor at this year’s Worldcon in Helsinki, so this will probably be my best shot at winning something.  It would cap my weekend, that’s for sure.

But whether or not you nominate my work for an award, I sure as hell hope that you read it.  Order Impersonations at your local bookstore, or via Barnes & NobleAmazon, KoboiBooks and Google.

And one important note: if you weren’t a member of last year’s Worldcon, you have until January 31 to join this year’s Worldcon and nominate.  Yikes!  That’s tomorrow!

You could also join next year’s Worldcon in Con Jose, but I’d much rather you come to Helsinki.  You will, won’t you?

Paul Weimer January 31, 2017 at 6:01 am

A chance to meet you, o GOH? You bet I am planning to go to Helsinki!

Susan Beaty January 31, 2017 at 12:16 pm

Yes, we’re coming to Helsinki. DH is even going to come with me this time, which is a first.

Henry Harel January 31, 2017 at 5:01 pm

You have my nominations and votes.
Pls make sure to have some free time for us in Helsinki – Ella and Daniella will be there as well.

wjw February 1, 2017 at 9:40 pm

Henry, it will be great to see you all. Maybe in the days just before the convention, because I’m sure they’ll be keeping me very busy during the convention itself.

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