
by wjw on March 5, 2017

Trench-Foot-Advertisement-WWII have been hacking my way not through a jungle, but through a half-dozen or more jungles.  Jungles with names like IRS, Conservancy District, Ebooks, Travel, Training, Weed Combustion, Copy-Edits, Tractor Repair, Auto Sale, Deadlines, and others that discretion bids me not mention.

And now I seem to be coming down with my third cold of the winter.

My current existence might best be described as “character-building.”

Progress, however slow, seems to have been made.  I thought I’d finished my taxes this afternoon, at least until I picked up an envelope and a bunch of receipts fell out.  Still, once those receipts are recorded . . .

Due both to travel and my looking after Kathy post-surgery, my winter yard work didn’t get started until after the Winds of February blasted off the mesa and through my state, but there will probably be enough still days for me to get outside and finish torching last year’s weeds.  The copy-edits are done.  The rest are ongoing.

So that’s why I haven’t been posting much here.  I’m still in the jungle, and trying to do my work without getting jungle rot or trench foot or malaria.  (The sniffles I guess I’ll have to deal with.)

So tonight I’ll be slamming tequila and Nyquil, which I hope between them will kill and/or mitigate the virus, and hope that I have enough energy tomorrow to get through the day.

Now I finally get to do some writing.  Yay.

John F. MacMichael March 5, 2017 at 7:22 pm

So you are telling that rather than giving us free entertainment by posting here on your blog you have been frittering away your time by attending to your real life responsibilities? I have to say, Mr. Williams, that I am disappointed, very disappointed. /s

Seriously, do be careful with the tequila and NyQuil combo. Sounds like you could do yourself some damage with that.

bkd69 March 7, 2017 at 2:06 am

I assume the desert air aids the efficacy of the tequila. Up here in the northeast, my primary treatment for the ails of winter is Jaegermeister.

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