by wjw on March 2, 2017

409825_300Thursday March 2nd, is hosting a REREAD of the Wild Cards series.  If you have a question or a comment, feel free to drop in.  Authors and editors will be there.

It’s all about you, my friends.  So the more of you are there, the better this will be.

Ralf T. Dog March 4, 2017 at 12:08 am

I finally got around to starting Wild Cards I. I must say, the McCarthy hearings aspect of it was far too close to the current political situation. It reflects the sense of dread I get watching the news. It is sad to know, our civil liberties, defined by the Bill of Rights, can largely be erased by a charismatic buffoon, a bit of smoke, mirrors, shouting and the waving of hands.

I guess, 2+2= whatever big brother tells us it is.

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