Ice Flows

by wjw on May 4, 2018

A video taken a couple weeks ago in my home town of Duluth.  Kind of hypnotic, no?

I remember stuff like this from when I was a kid.

Etaoin Shrdlu May 5, 2018 at 12:59 am

Clearly we need more Global Warming. I’ll vent a spray can tonight in your honor.

Margot Otway May 7, 2018 at 3:36 pm

Wow, those are large waves. They look like they are nearly topping the canal wall in some of the views. What causes them? Ship in the canal? Wind?? (Cold wind, if so!)

And I like the shape of the floes — they’re polygonal, as though all the bumping around is pushing them toward shapes that tile. And they have a raised rim because water that gets splashed up freezes in place.

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