Ring in the Toolbox Time!

by wjw on November 10, 2019

Taos-LogosmallTaos Toolbox, the master class for writers of science fiction and fantasy, will take place June 7-20, 2020, in Angel Fire, New Mexico.

Chief writer-wranglers will be Nancy Kress and Walter Jon Williams, aided by special guests George RR Martin and indiepub guru EM Tippetts.

George continues to fund the Terran Award, providing tuition and lodging for a writer from a non-English-speaking country (who nevertheless wishes to write in English).

Taos Toolbox continues to turn out writers of a high caliber who sell their work in paying markets, and are recognized by their peers and readers.  (2019’s Hugo Award list featured three Toolbox nominees.)

If you want to take your writing to the next level, Taos Toolbox is the place to go.

The application period begins on December 1, so mark that date on your calendars.

More information can be found on the Taos Toolbox website.

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