Signed Books

by wjw on September 11, 2022

Apropos the Privateers & Gentlemen books, a whole box of the original paperbacks has been discovered!

Our friend Nadine is making them available here. All are signed, and all but one are unread and in good condition.

You can buy them singly or buy the whole set of five. These have been out of print since the 1980s, and are unlikely to be reprinted anytime in the next millennium. If you’re a collector of these sorts of things, you’ll probably be interested.

mearsk September 12, 2022 at 10:01 am

Ordered the set. Going to give it to my dad, who is a fan of Horatio Hornblower.

Derek September 12, 2022 at 11:36 am

Appreciate the notice, purchased a set.

(I liked “Master and Commander” albeit primarily for Maturin, and have visited the Old Absinthe House in New Orleans–perhaps it will stage an appearance! I wonder if I’ll spot the seeds of Quillifer’s privateering adventures, though I suppose fantasy-Elizabethan seamanship may have been less evolved…)

Jeff September 13, 2022 at 4:38 pm

Wow! Lucky to have checked in here today–I bought a complete set! Enjoyed showing you where the Autograph tables were, and attending your Table Talk at ChiCon!

wjw September 14, 2022 at 1:10 am

Jeff, good to meet you, too!

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