
by wjw on May 5, 2023

So the other night I had some friends over for a Spring Feast. Starters were cappelletti stuffed with chicken, cheese, and herbs, served with a lemon-cream sauce and asparagus. Chief protein was sous vide leg of lamb, served with a chickpea salad with vegetables, herbs, and mint.

Dessert we never got to. Too full even to think about it.

In making the cappelletti I ran out of pasta before I ran out of the stuffing, so a few nights later I decided to make a meal of the leftovers. I made the stuffing into quenelles, which are ovoid things you make by employing a couple spoons to shape them properly. I had never made quenelles before, and it kind of shows, but in my defense I think the spoons I was using weren’t ideal.

Anyway, they tasted fine. Along with them I had linguini with a simple sauce made of olive oil, parsley, black pepper, and parmesan.

There’s still leftover lamb. What to do?

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