Butt Pluckers

by wjw on August 21, 2007

The other day Kat gifted us with a package of eighteen fresh eggs from her chickens, collectively known— from one of their less savory behaviors— as “the butt pluckers.”

So it has been Egg Heaven around here. We have had omelettes, but for the most part I’ve just fried the suckers, because that’s the best way to taste the freshness. I’ve had eggs. I’ve had ham and eggs. I’ve had eggs with breakfast chops and Hatch green chile fresh from the roasters. I’ve had eggs with lamb chops. I have spent the last four days worshiping the egg, and had everything but eggs with Spam— and if you count electronic spam, I’ve had that, too. It’s been a good time for proteins.

It’s also been a good time for cuisine in general. Kathy picked up some wonderful heirloom tomatoes from the farmers’ market, and I just munch on them for snacks, or slice them and serve them with fresh basil and a dash of Kalamata olive oil. Even supermarket corn is good at this time of year.

Who needs dessert? Just pass me another one of them tomatos, hon.

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