Big Idea, Over There

by wjw on May 20, 2008

If you’re sick of me talking about Implied Spaces on this blog, you can go to John Scalzi’s blog and read my essay about Implied Spaces over there.

Yes, Mr. Scalzi has very kindly allowed me to contribute to his Big Idea feature.

Now if only the book would show up in the stores. (Tapping foot, looking anxiously at watch.)

mythusmage May 20, 2008 at 8:43 pm

Speaking of big ideas…

By now I’m sure you’re aware of the phenomenon where the more you fuss and fret about something getting there, the longer it takes to get there. At times the item doesn’t arrive at all, until you stop fussing and fretting about it arriving.

Which leads us to our set-up. Which is; a real nasty nasty is heading towards Earth. This nasty (which is truly nasty) is taking its own sweet time. Its taking its own sweet time because one man is fussing and fretting about it arriving. As long as he fusses and frets it won’t arrive. But now he’s starting to stop worrying about it. When it completely slips his mind it will arrive and being nasty, it will be nastily nasty things.

The challenge is to keep the protagonists worried and fussing, without letting him catch on to the fact he’s supposed to be fussing, and that it’s only is fretting and worry that’s keeping the nasty away.

BTW… Bread? You know dang well fruit cake is a far better material for spaceships.

dubjay May 21, 2008 at 2:28 am

Okay. Everyone start worrying . . . NOW!

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