Art Film

by wjw on June 27, 2009

Women as well as men, everyone watching this film will feel the dissolution of all their certainties, all their illusory grasp on the world… but after you fall into a brazen despair that the walls of reality have become toxic ice cream of a million flavors, you will gasp with a greater realization: that once the world is reduced, forever, to a kaleidoscope of whirling shapes, you are totally free. Nothing matters, effect precedes cause, fish spawn in mid-air, and you can do whatever you want. Let yourself go in your adult diaper, Michael Bay invites you. Feel the music of total excess stir inside your deepest core. It is your Allspark, your cube. And you are a Transformer.

Charlie Jane Anders reviews the Transformers movie.

Sean Craven June 27, 2009 at 2:06 pm

I saw Charlie Jane Anders at a reading with John Shirley and Rudy Rucker, among others. S/He (Anders was in drag, so I'm not sure what the proper terminology is here) was great — just flat-out hilarious.

And this review justifies the idea that in some cases the criticism is more important than the work itself. It makes me want to see the movie — and I gave up on the first Transformers at about the twenty minute mark.

idiotgrrl June 27, 2009 at 3:30 pm

The transformers movie as cinematic surrealism – priceless.

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