The Revolution, Televised

by wjw on June 15, 2009

The revolution will not only be televised, it will be downloaded, remixed, Youtubed, Twittered, and set to a soundtrack by the Moody Blues. (Okay, I couldn’t bring myself to link to that last one.)

On the unlikely chance that my Iranian revolutionary brethren are checking in at this moment, functioning proxy sites may be found at: port 3124 please RT #iranelection

Remember, comrades:

Purple raindrops fall at night. Purple raindrops fall at night.

Allah o akbar. Allah o akbar.

check check check. over.

Lance Larka June 15, 2009 at 6:48 pm

I love it that the Iranians are proving how difficult it is to stop the dissemination of information.

Of course all the Iranian Interior Department needs to do is pull the plug on the entire communications grid to really clamp down….

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