From the Farmers’ Market

by wjw on August 20, 2010

So a visit to the local farmers’ market produced beefsteak tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, and sweet corn.  I would have bought more but we’re flat out of space on the counters and in the refrigerator.

So I’m thinkin’ roast chicken tonight, with a tomato-and-cucumber salad and roasted ears of sweet corn.  Maybe the tomatoes and cukes will turn into gazpacho at some point over the weekend.

There was a guy selling roasting ears at the market.  I had mine drenched in butter, with chile powder, garlic, and salt.

Hungry yet?

Shash August 21, 2010 at 2:45 am

I always go for the lemon pepper on the corn at the farm market. And fresh-squeezed limade. Yum. That’s tomorrow’s breakfast I’m talking about.

Theophylact August 23, 2010 at 2:12 pm

Tomatoes in the refrigerator? Heresy!

wjw August 23, 2010 at 9:25 pm

Theo, I also said out of space =on the counters.=

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