Meanwhile, in a Galaxy Some Distance From Here . . .

by wjw on March 4, 2011

I am interviewed again! But this time the questions are all about Destiny’s Way, the Star Wars novel I wrote about ten years ago.

Those unfamiliar with the Star Wars Expanded Universe are forgiven, in advance, for being bewildered.

Oz March 5, 2011 at 8:15 pm

Third most popular among the series’ fans? Wow. It’s not like there are only 3 books. There are oodles and oodles of ’em. But Destiny’s Way was a good read. Not your typical WJW, but it had a few personalized moments.

Pete March 5, 2011 at 10:29 pm

Wow, I made the mistake of clicking the Amazon link. Apparently there is a whole *tribe* of people who think Coke tastes better in a Star Wars glass. That was just scary.

wjw March 6, 2011 at 7:07 am

It’s the most active and committed fans who do the posting. Do remember what “fan” is short for.

At the time the book came out, readers seemed divided about whether it was the best Star Wars book ever or the worst. So third from the top seems pretty good right now.

Pete March 6, 2011 at 5:27 pm

Given that my house is decorated with WWII style propaganda posters from Battlestar Galactica, I should probably not point fingers on this one *grins* In fact, an obsessed fanbase usually means a good product. Guess I’m off to buy the series.

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