Born to Fly

by wjw on June 19, 2011

So I’m bummed by the death of Clarence Clemons last night, and I thought I’d post a tribute video.

I found quite a number of videos of Clarence doing just his solo from “Jungleland,” which is justly famous, but they were just the solo, and I hate cutting up a song.  So here’s the whole E Street Band doing “Born to Run,” with the frenetic Clemons solo in the middle of it, and the rest just shows Clarence being what he was, a member of a really great band.

(Young folks may be shocked to discover that Clarence Clemons had a band before Lady Gaga.)

(You all be careful now.  I don’t want to have to write a third obituary this week.)

Ken Houghton June 20, 2011 at 12:15 am

“Young folks may be shocked to discover that Clarence Clemons had a band before Lady Gaga.”

I’m stealing that. I trust that, if I forget to attribute it, someone will point to the original.

wjw June 20, 2011 at 12:56 am

Oh, that was a WJW original. Feel free to attribute away.

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