Mystery Thing
by wjw on July 16, 2011

I’m still up at Taos Toolbox teaching and doing critiques, and it’s taking up most of my time, so here’s something to amuse you while I’m otherwise occupied.
What is this thing?
Is this a still from a movie? Photoshop magic? An object that exists in our world, or only in someone’s imagination?
And even if you already know what it is, you can tell us what you think it should be.
Looks like that thing that hangs over top of that big watch-a-call-it. You know what I mean. It was on Contact. The radio observatory they built using the whole valley as a dish.
It’s the movable part of a radio telescope hanging over the stationary primary reflector. Probably Aricebo. But if it’s a receiver, radar transmitter or a secondary reflector inside the partial golf ball I don’t know.
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Looks alien because it is photographed from an unusual angle.
Nice find.
I’m glad the others also identify it as part of a radio telescope. Or it’s a steampunk artichoke. But I think the radio telescope is more likely.
It’s a large pointer, pointing downward to a perforated metal shield which during the 70s prevented DEA aircraft from using sight or radar to detect the small field of marijuana plants growing beneath (where significant sunlight arrived through the perforations in the metal).
At least, so I was told by a graduate student when I visited this site in the early 80s.
The Group Mind is just too quick for you, Walter. It’s the receiver at the focal point of the Aricebo radio telescope. The receiver is moveable because the telescope itself can’t be steered. The golf ball protects instrumentation from inclement weather.
Alien Masonic Lodge marker. Eye, inside a circle, inside a triangle.
Imagination FAIL
High powered omnidirectional subwoofer used by Hotblack Desiato’s band “Disaster Area”. Six one-inch 50KV power cables. Maximal output 750 decimals. Did you know that sound, pure rock sound can kill?
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