Ebook Updates!

by wjw on October 1, 2011

The Hardwired ebook is now available for your reading pleasure on Kindle, Nook, and via Smashwords.

Smashwords will distribute to all you Sony Reader, iPad, and Kobo users, though it may take some weeks for this to appear in all catalogs.

(The formatting problems mentioned in an earlier post have all been resolved.  Download with a free heart!)

If you prefer print, the Night Shade trade paperback is still widely available.

Days of Atonement is now available on Kobo, Apple, Diesel, and Scrollmotion.

A new, cleaned up version of The Crown Jewels, minus the typos you readers so helpfully told me about, has been uploaded to the usual places.

Slightly reformatted versions of House of Shards and Rock of Ages have also been uploaded.  The reformat is not the result of a problem with readability issues, but to make the formats compatible with some of the pickier online retailers.

The Mighty Williams Online Machine glides from triumph to triumph!

Carry on.

Dave L October 4, 2011 at 9:37 pm

Will you be releasing Solip:System as an ebook? I’m re-reading Hardwired on my kindle and thoroughly enjoying it, but I’d like to know what happens to Reno next.

wjw October 5, 2011 at 8:18 pm

Solip:System will indeed be released sometime soon. Probably before the end of the year, anyway.

andone November 29, 2011 at 1:57 pm

awesome! I’m from Romania, and I can’t get the Hardwired series from libraries.
Anyway, Hardwired the novel is my favourite book of all time, and I can’t wait to read the whole Hardwired series.

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