Get Yer Signatures Here!

by wjw on February 22, 2012

Just to let you all know, I will be signing The Fourth Wall (and any other book you care to bring) at Page One bookstore in Albuquerque, this coming Saturday, February 25, at 3pm.

There will be a talk and a reading as well.

Please come, so I don’t have to sit there humming to myself for two whole hours.

John F. MacMichael February 22, 2012 at 10:18 am

“…so I don’t have to sit there humming to myself for two whole hours.”

I actually saw that happen one time. It was at Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park, CA, early 1980s. I stopped in there one Saturday afternoon and noticed a very annoyed looking gentleman sitting at a table stacked with books in front of rows of empty chairs. He seemed vaguely familar looking.
I asked a staff member who is that and what is going on? Answer: it was Robert Silverberg, come over from his home in Oakland for a reading and book signing. Unfortunately, the date Mr. Silverberg had been told to appear and the date Kepler’s had been busy advertising for his appearance
were, in fact, a week apart. Thus, a result of (1) Big Name Author + (0) Book Buying Devoted Fans = (1) Majorly Hacked Off Writer.

Hope your reading and signing goes much better than that!

wjw February 23, 2012 at 2:21 am

I’ve been in exactly that situation. My publisher arranged for a signing in San Francisco, but told the bookstore that I’d be coming two weeks earlier than I was actually in town. When I showed up, I was told they’d shipped all the books back. There wasn’t even anything for me to sign.

Plus of course I’ve been in signings— usually in malls— where nobody turned up. But that’s =normal.=

Dave Bishop February 23, 2012 at 9:17 pm

Albuquerque! Sounds really exotic!

I’d be there, Walter, if it wasn’t so far away and exotic …

DorjePismo February 27, 2012 at 2:56 am

Extremely good book. Massively enjoyed the entire thing, and wished it was twice as long. If you ever get an app for this blog, I absolutely will not download it onto my phone!

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