I Enter the Scalziverse

by wjw on February 29, 2012

John Scalzi very kindly let me enter his universe for an essay about The Fourth Wall. Enjoy.

David A. W. February 29, 2012 at 8:00 pm

Scalzi is known for his…ummmmm…snarkiness.

Sounds like you’re channeling him with this line:

“Because cottage cheese wrestling is something you have the right to know about.”

I’m gonna buy the book for that comment alone.

Stac March 1, 2012 at 1:44 pm

I was listening to NPR this morning on my way to work and heard an article that Justin Bieber is turning 18! Besides my natural excitement at that news, the focus of the article was about his coming into a hundred million dollar fortunte. And it also discussed Coogan accounts and the troubles minor celebrities get into when they get access or not to their full accounts. Felt very reminiscent of a certain book I’d enjoyed recently…

wjw March 2, 2012 at 2:16 am

You gotta hope that Mr. Bieber buys himself a nice little annuity.

David, I’m not trying to channel Scalzi, I’m just trying to be as pleasing and witty as possible in order to get people to buy my book.

Very possibly John Scalzi has adopted the same strategy.

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