I Alter My DNA Daily

by wjw on March 8, 2012

Finally, a scientific discovery made just for me!

In the current issue of Cell Metabolism— my basic light reading— researchers report on beneficial changes to DNA achieved both through drinking caffeine and through exercise.

The DNA changes in question are known as epigenetic modifications and involve the gain or loss of chemical marks on DNA over and above the familiar sequence of As, Gs, Ts, and Cs . . . Broadly speaking, the findings offer more evidence that our genomes are much more dynamic than they are often given credit for. Epigenetic modifications that turn genes on and back off again can be incredibly flexible events. They allow the DNA in our cells to adjust as the environment shifts.”

This is so totally me!  When I’m not exercising, I’m chuggin’ down the caffeine.  And the only time I’m not drinking caffeine is when I’m exercising!

Bring me my jockstrap and a giant latte!  Epigenesis ho!

Ralf The Dog. March 8, 2012 at 4:02 pm

Do these changes persist beyond cell division? This sounds quite a bit like cell differentiation.

Perhaps, one day, this will lead to exercise and caffeine in a pill.

wjw March 9, 2012 at 5:00 am

None of the articles I’ve found mention cell division.

As I read this article in Science News, it may be possible that the changes would be passed on to the next generation.


Anonymous March 9, 2012 at 4:30 pm

I have always felt, more research should be done into feedback between mitochondria and a cell’s nucleus. I think that by better understanding that communication, we will better understand muscular degenerative diseases and might one day be able to eat all the key lime pie we want without getting fat.

I would also like to see more research into the factors that regulate mitochondrial replication. Perhaps, if we were to control that, we cold all have force powers someday. It is my belief that someday, Cellular Biology will be less about biology and more about information theory. I do not believe Cellular Biology will have much to do with cell phones.

RE: Caffeine, muscle cells need calcium to fire. Caffeine removes calcium from the bones, thus freeing it up for muscle usage. Perhaps the best solution would be to pump a cow full of coffee, then eat the cow.

Ralf The Dog. March 9, 2012 at 4:30 pm

I have always felt, more research should be done into feedback between mitochondria and a cell’s nucleus. I think that by better understanding that communication, we will better understand muscular degenerative diseases and might one day be able to eat all the key lime pie we want without getting fat.

I would also like to see more research into the factors that regulate mitochondrial replication. Perhaps, if we were to control that, we cold all have force powers someday. It is my belief that someday, Cellular Biology will be less about biology and more about information theory. I do not believe Cellular Biology will have much to do with cell phones.

RE: Caffeine, muscle cells need calcium to fire. Caffeine removes calcium from the bones, thus freeing it up for muscle usage. Perhaps the best solution would be to pump a cow full of coffee, then eat the cow.

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