I Shall Rise on Easter

by wjw on April 9, 2012

I’m very pleased to announce that I will be next year’s guest of honor at Eastercon, the UK national convention.

Nothing like a ticket to Europe to raise the spirits!

Let’s all hope the Mayans were wrong, shall we?


Dave Bishop April 10, 2012 at 2:20 pm

I believe that the 2013 Eastercon is in Bradford (?) – that’s in Yorkshire – just across the Pennines from where I live. Have you been to Yorkshire before? If not, be prepared for a bit of a culture shock. I bet people don’t call each other “love” in New Mexico, do they? And as Bradford has a large Asian community, you might want to prepare your digestive system for a curry onslaught!

I hope that the weather will be better than Easter 2012. We’ve had lots and lots of rain – but then this is the UK!

Simon Bradshaw April 10, 2012 at 10:28 pm

The 2013 Eastercon (Eight Squared Con – we’re the 64th!) is indeed going to be in Bradford, and we are absolutely delighted to be welcoming Walter Jon Williams as Guest of Honour. More details are at


I think it is very likely that my fellow committee members will be inviting Walter to join us and the other guests for an expedition to one of Bradford’s legendary curry restaurants!

wjw April 11, 2012 at 3:27 am

I shall look forward to sampling Chicken Tikka Masala, the English national dish.

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