Ruling Ring

by wjw on May 21, 2012

Behold!  A composite photograph of yesterday’s annular eclipse, showing all stages of the event.

The reason the light turns amber as the eclipse progresses has nothing to do with the eclipse, and everything to do with the fact that the sun is setting as the event occurs.

In fact, the sun was still in partial eclipse when it set.

We are indebted to Cheryl and Bill Macey, who fed us a lovely dinner on their patio as the event progressed.

DensityDuck May 22, 2012 at 5:36 pm

Watched it from California, which meant we had an interesting measure of the eclipse’s effect–standing in the sun was warm at first, but got noticeably cooler as the eclipse approached totality; and after the eclipsed passed, standing in the sun was warm again.

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