Pour Votre Plaisir

by wjw on August 8, 2012

So, I hear you ask, why are there two dots over the second i in Aristoi?

Because it’s the French edition, that’s why!

Yes, I’m going international with my epub!  I am pleased to report that the French edition of Aristoï, translated by our very own Jean-Daniel Brèque, is now available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and (perhaps most importantly) Amazon.fr.

This is the same French translation that was published in book form back in 2002.

It’s not available on Smashwords, and may never be, since their Meatgrinder program keeps kicking it out.  Maybe they’re not very good with foreign languages over there, but I’ll keep trying.

So if you happen to be French, or you read French, or you want to learn to read French, here’s your chance to read French and Walter Jon Williams all at the same time!

Not Todd August 10, 2012 at 1:02 am

Thanks for reminding 1) how much I like that book and 2) how much I hate that cover.

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