Why, It’s Clarion!

by wjw on February 8, 2013

Did I forget to mention Clarion?  I was probably in Australia when the application period began for this granddaddy of all science fiction workshops, and I neglected to mention it to you.

At any rate, the application period is still ongoing, so you can still get in your application, which of course you will want to do.

Clarion is a six-week short story workshop of incredible star power, this year featuring Andy Duncan, Nalo Hopkinson, Cory Doctorow, Robert Crais, Karen Joy Fowler, and Kelly Link.   I mean, holy cripes!  I’d fly off just to talk to these people, let along spend six weeks learning from them.

Clarion takes place in the lovely setting of the University of California San Diego campus.  I’ve taught Clarion myself, and I’ve seen how the Clarion cadres turn from tyros to an awesome wave of unstoppable fictional force.

You should do this, if you can.

And of course, if you can’t get away for six weeks, or if you want to concentrate on longer fiction, there’s this other workshop called Taos Toolbox.

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