Rifts at Baen

by wjw on November 21, 2013

rift-smallI’m pleased to report that the ebook of The Rift is now available at Baen, as well as KoboAmazonNook, and Smashwords,

Slowly, slowly, we conquer the world.

Patricia Mathews November 21, 2013 at 1:47 pm

All right! I just finished a rush job for this semester and promised myself a treat – a nice, far disaster novel on my reader will hit the spot quite nicely. And welcome back to the land of winter.

TJIC November 21, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Congrats on the ongoing march to conquer the e-book world.

I finished reading Knight Moves this morning before breakfast, which I somehow didn’t see when it came out in hardcover.

Good stuff!

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