Weird Weird West

by wjw on May 15, 2014

Dead-Mans-Hand_cvr-200x300One of the “lost stories” I wrote ages ago has finally seen print!  (Seems like I’ve been reading from this one for years now.)

It seems like decades ago that John Joseph Adams wrote to see if I’d contribute to an anthology of Weird West stories.  I’d never written a weird western before (“The Last Ride of German Freddie” is alternative history, without any fantastic element beyond the existence of the main character in that time and place).  I thought weird west might be an interesting stretch, and I rarely get the chance to write about the country I live in anyway, and so I did it.

My story, “The Golden Age,” features the Commodore, the Condor, Shanghai Susie, the Nihilist, Pirate Sally, Professor Mitternacht . . . in other words, the superheroes of the California Gold Rush.

Also in the anthology you will find stories by Joe Lansdale, Elizabeth Bear, Ken Liu, Orson Scott Card, Hugh Howey, and a great many more.

It should be available online and in your local bookstore.  Check out the table of contents and other information by clicking his handy link.

DensityDuck May 16, 2014 at 10:55 pm

OT but relevant:

Going to Caraqui would mean leaving Gil behind.

But perhaps, in her heart, she already has.

John Appel May 18, 2014 at 12:54 am

Weird West isn’t normally my thing, but reading the description intrigued me enough to order this in dead-tree format. Thanks for the pointer!

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