Launching Monday!
by wjw on October 9, 2014

If you happen to read from right to left, you might want to check out the forthcoming Hebrew editions of Hardwired and The Green Leopard Plague and Other Stories. And if you happen to be in Tel Aviv this coming Monday, you should definitely attend the launch party for the books, which will take place alongside the Icon Festival for Science Fiction and Fantasy. Which in turn takes place alongside the religious festival of Sukkoth, which judging by the web page seems to be the festival in which people dress up as medieval knights and hit Tim Powers with big sticks.
And if you attend the launch party, which takes place Monday at 4pm, you can get your books signed, because I’ll be there! Yes, I’m flying to Tel Aviv in the next few hours, and it’s all for you, my friends, because I know you’ll want your books signed. And I’ll be attending the Icon Festival as well, because they were nice enough to make me a guest of honor.
But wait— that’s not all! October 30-November 1 I’ll be a guest of honor at Utopiales, the Festival International de Science Fiction, held in Jules Verne’s beautiful natal city of Nantes. Which is in Brittany, and features easy access to many places with menhirs and fairy-tale castles, and you should check out the awesome list of authors, artists, editors, and other professionals who will be attending, and Brittany has the best oysters in the world, oh my God! And because I am so devoted to you, I’ll be signing your books there, too!
And what will I be doing between one convention and another? Deep Research, that’s what. Though it has to be admitted that my capacity for research has completely outstripped my ability to employ that research in stories. I’m still several trips behind, and though I pretty much know what bits of research I want to employ in what projects, I’m kind of stuck for time.
But fortunately I’m planning on living forever, so I’ll write all those stories eventually.
And in the meantime, I hope to post some interesting and lovely pictures here, but that depends on the availability of wifi and my schedule, which I plan to absolutely pack. So things may be sporadic on the blog front for the next few weeks, but they’ll definitely be very, very attractive.
To be fair, Tim did hit back!
I was fortunate enough to be in “The Secrets of the SF and Fantasy writers” panel today in the Icon Festival in Tel Aviv.
It really was a treat and a great pleasure.
Thank you so much for accepting the invitation to come.
Tanya, I’m so glad I was able to be of service.
And I’m completely delighted to be here.
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