Days and Days

by wjw on May 10, 2015

EPSON scanner image

It’s Mother’s Day here in the States, so I thought I’d post a photo of my mom, on the right, enjoying a typical evening with her pal Sylvia Aakre.

It occurs to me that my idea of a fun time just might be hereditary.

Mom met Sylvia at university, where they were both studying to be teachers, and began a friendship that lasted their whole lives.  My family used to vacation with Sylvia and her husband Hilman, usually at a lakeside cabin somewhere, where Hilman could spend much of the day fishing.

Anyway, it’s clear from the photo that my mom didn’t need an act of Congress, or a day marked on the calendar, to have herself a Day.

So wherever you are, and whether you’ve given birth or not, I hope you find a reason to have a great Day for yourself.

Ralf T. Dog May 10, 2015 at 4:00 pm

You either had a very small mother or your mother had a very large bottle.

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