Scribble Scribble Scribble (eh, Mr. Williams?)

by wjw on June 14, 2015

The+ChangeI will be signing copies of my story in the new collection The Change, edited by S.M. Stirling, on Monday, June 15, at 7pm, at the Violet Crown Cinema, 1606 Alcaldesa St., Santa Fe, 87501.  I’ll be there alongside colleagues Diana Paxson, Jane Lindskold, John Jos. Miller, Emily Mah, M.T. Reitan, Keir Salmon, Victor Milán, S.M. Stirling, and Lauren Teffeau.

The event was originally announced for George R.R. Martin’s theater, the Jean Cocteau, but scheduling with Steven Spielberg didn’t work out or something, and they’re showing  Jurassic World instead.  The Violet Crown is only a couple blocks from the Jean Cocteau, so if you were going to the Cocteau anyway, you won’t have any trouble finding the Violet Crown.

I don’t know if they’ll have any of my other works for sale or not, but I’ll certainly be happy to sign any of my books you care to bring with you.

It’s sure to be lively and fun, so even if you’ve got every book signed by every author present, you’ll still have a good time.

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