Stories. Bundled.

by wjw on May 11, 2016

BundleCover650Once again I have a book available as part of a StoryBundle.  The last one sold like hotcakes on a winter’s morning, and this one should as well, because StoryBundle is an amazing freaking good deal.

Basically, you pay whatever you want for the first three books, which are Errantry: Strange Stories by Elizabeth Hand, Lewis Shiner’s Collected Stories, and my own Green Leopard Plague and Other Stories.  

Pay 99 cents!  Pay 10 bucks!  Go ahead, pay half a million dollars— I dare you!

But if you pay at least twelve dollars, you get five more collections for free!

Here’s a list of the complete set:

The Green Leopard Plague by Walter Jon Williams

“In this provocative, entertaining collection of nine reprints, Williams (Implied Spaces) brings together tales of the College of Mystery as well as other explorations of the gray region where psyche and technology meet. Standouts include the Nebula-winning Daddy’s World, in which a young boy finds himself trapped in a nightmare not of his making; The Last Ride of German Freddie, an alternate history in which Friedrich Nietzsche meets Wyatt Earp; Incarnation Day, wherein humanity raises its children as computer programs; and the title story, another Nebula winner, about a utopian society’s birth and psychological effects. Coupled with extensive notes from the author, these stories invite readers to share and enjoy Williams’s extensive knowledge of history, psychology, and culture.”

 – Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review

Women Up to No Good by Pat Murphy

Reading Pat Murphy’s outstanding science fiction is always mind-expanding, the equivalent of traveling to other worlds from the comfort of my armchair.”

 – Ravenswood Reviews

Strange Ladies: 7 Stories by Lisa Mason

“Lisa Mason might just be the female Phillip K. Dick. Like Dick, Mason’s stories are far more than just sci-fi tales, they are brimming with insight into human consciousness and the social condition….a sci-fi collection of excellent quality….you won’t want to miss it.”

 – The Book Brothers Review Blog

Collected Stories by Lewis Shiner

“These 41 powerful stories cover Shiner’s career across three decades and multiple genres, showcasing hard-edged, often political genre fiction at its finest….Shiner never fails to astound, and this collection highlights everything that makes him one of today’s best storytellers.”

 – Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Six Stories by Kathe Koja

“Koja’s provocative storylines and evocative prose combine reality with invention, the supernatural with the everyday.”

– New York Times Book Review

What I Didn’t See: Stories by Karen Fowler

“One of those writers who can write an almost thoroughly mainstream realistic story and nearly convince us we’re reading SF, or write and SF story and convince us we’re reading mainstream realism.”

 – Locus

Errantry: Strange Stories by Elizabeth Hand

“The magic in Elizabeth Hand’s short fiction can usually be found at its edges, just slightly out of reach. It’s there for a moment, but it’s hard to see without squinting. If you blink, it might be gone—but you’d never lose the sense that it’s still there, pushing in on reality from the outside. A gorgeous set of stories.”


Wild Things by C.C. Finlay

“[T]hese stories show Finlay exploring a variety of genres, bringing freshness and intelligence to them all… an absorbing and often surprising collection.”

 – Booklist

I should also point out that three of these volumes are exclusive to StoryBundle  (These would be those of Lew Shiner, Kathe Koja, and Charlie Finlay.)  You can’t get them anywhere else!

And you can get them only for the next 22 days!  After that, this StoryBundle will have vanished, and the exclusive content with it.

StoryBundles are sold free of DRM, they will work on all your devices, and you can donate 10% of your contribution to a worthy cause (in this case, the Science Fiction Writers of America).

And— I mentioned this, right?— you pay only what you want!

This may not be the Deal of the Century, but it’s almost certainly the Deal of the Next 22 Days, so click and get to reading!

ack May 12, 2016 at 11:32 am

I bought this yesterday after getting the email from Story Bundle. I’m looking forward to reading through them.

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