Return of the Nitrox Cowboy

by wjw on November 4, 2016

pict0119This is far from the best lionfish photo I’ve seen, but it’s probably the best one I’ve taken, on the stern of the depth charge wreck, described below.

For the last four days I’ve been diving the lagoon at Chuuk, formerly known as Truk, in the Federated Republic of Micronesia.  The lagoon is covered with wrecks destroyed in Operation Hailstorm in World War II, and I’ve dived a number of them.  The last dive took place this afternoon, after which there will be a big party with barbecue, and then the long, terrible flight home will begin.

I’ll be leaving on Saturday, changing planes on Sunday, arriving in the States on Saturday again, then getting home on Sunday.  Isn’t the International Date Line fun?

The Nitrox Cowboy is tired and sore and exhilarated all at the same time.  My body is abraded and cut, particularly my feet, and I’m looking forward not having to soak my wounds in salt water for several hours a day.  It was quite the epic adventure, and after some mental processing, I hope it will prove to be the seed for another adventure you all can read.

I’ll be posting more when I can get more reliable internet.

mark November 4, 2016 at 11:43 am

And you’ll be ready to jack into your deck, again, cowboy?

Susan Beaty November 4, 2016 at 1:51 pm

Looks like you used flash to light this photo? I think it’s quite nice. Sounds like it’s been a great trip, and looking forward to more photos.

wjw November 4, 2016 at 6:02 pm

I used both a flash and a strobe. The strobe quit working after a few days, but I found I still got better pictures if I set the camera for a strobe that didn’t exist.

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