October Surprise #4

by wjw on October 26, 2017

DagmarMontageLightHey, I’ve released the four Dagmar Shaw near-future thrillers volumes as ebooks!  New and improved, the first two with covers by Roberta Berto, and the last two with provisional covers that will be replaced by Berto covers as soon as she gets back from a trip.  Which provisional cover you get depends on where you’re downloading from, since Amazon lets me put up a homemade cover and the others don’t.

Anyway, if you end up with a provisional cover, you can wait till the new cover is released, erase the old copy from your device, and then download the new one.  So no worries!

“But wait,” I hear you say, “four Dagmar Shaw volumes?  I thought there were  . . . not so many!”

That may be because the original publisher didn’t bother to tell anyone that Deep State and The Fourth Wall existed.  (When dealers, whose job is to keep up with my work, don’t know the books are available, then you know your career’s in trouble.)

And if you do know that Deep State and The Fourth Wall were out there, you probably haven’t seen Diamonds from Tequila, which is a novella originally published in the Martin/Dozois anthology Rogues, and available now separately for the first time.  Because it’s a novella rather than a novel, you can get it for a here $2.99.

Here’s where to find them:

This Is Not a Game:

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, iBooks, Smashwords.

Deep State

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, iBooks, Smashwords.

The Fourth Wall

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, iBooks, Smashwords.

Diamonds From Tequila

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, iBooks, Smashwords.

Steinar Bang October 27, 2017 at 1:20 pm

Wow! Great covers!

I’ll go and pick up the novella right away, since I haven’t read it, and re-pick it up when the cover appears.

There is no chance there will be more Dagmar books?

Shash October 29, 2017 at 4:51 pm

Yay novella! More Dagmar can only be a good thing.

Glen October 31, 2017 at 2:18 pm

I’m getting a “Not available in the US store” message from the iBooks store when I try to buy The Fourth Wall. Good to go on This Is Not a Game, Deep State, and Diamonds From Tequila, however. Thanks!

wjw October 31, 2017 at 9:37 pm

Glen, there was a technical issue with the file which iBooks didn’t bother to tell me about. iBooks has some really stupid software.

It’s supposedly fixed now, but might take 24 hours or so to percolate onto iBooks sites.

Etaoin Shrdlu November 10, 2017 at 12:41 pm

Hey, waitasecond. Dagmar is supposed to be exceptionally recognizable for her untimely gray hair. WHO IS THAT IMPOSTOR/USUPER ON THE COVERS?!?!?!?

wjw November 10, 2017 at 3:59 pm

Clearly Dagmar is in disguise.

The artist tried giving her the signature gray hair, but the results were really, astoundingly unattractive. Ditto with blonde hair. It looks as if she had loaded Photoshop and pressed keys at random.

Since I’d already bought the art and deadlines were upon us, we went with the current design.

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