Launch Day!
It’s no accident!
Two new books drop this week!
September 4 is the release date for The Accidental War, which continues the story of star-crossed lovers Martinez and Sula begun in The Praxis. Seven years after the conclusion of the Naxid War, they find themselves caught up in a war that no one wanted, no one planned, no one expected, and no one knows how to stop.
You can read The Accidental War without having read the earlier books in the series, but we do want you to read them, so the first three ebooks of the Praxis are now on sale, and will remain on sale for the rest of September.
The Praxis is on sale for $3.99 in North America, $2.99 elsewhere. In North America, you can find it via kindle, nook, iBook, Kobo, and Google.
Outside North America, look for The Praxis at
Amazon.co.uk, iBooks, Kobo, and Google.
The Sundering is on sale for $4.99. In North America, the book is available via kindle, nook, iBook, Kobo, and Google.
Outside North America, find The Sundering at Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, and Google.
Conventions of War is on sale for $3.99. (I know these prices don’t exactly make sense, but then I’m not a major international publisher.) In North America, find Conventions of War via kindle, nook, iBooks, Kobo, and Google.
Outside North America, Conventions of War may be found at
Google, Amazon, iBooks, and Kobo.
But wait! There’s more!
Investments, one of the books of the Praxis, has long been available as an ebook, but it’s never seen print— till now! Because I love print, and I know some of you love print as well, and will want to have the entire series on your bookshelves the way God intended, I’ve made Investments available as a paperback via Amazon and Barnes & Noble. (I don’t have a link for Barnes & Noble just yet, because, well, they’re Barnes & Noble. Have patience, it’ll be available there in a day or two.)
The book is 6×9 inches, with cream paper, and will make a fine addition to your bookshelf.
But there’s even more! In the paperback I’ve included “The Stickpin,” a story featuring Caroline Sula that has also never seen print. (It was available, for just a few months in 2005, as an Amazon short.) in fact, the only way you can read this story now is to buy the paperback. I won’t be making the story available in electronic form.
But fortunately the paperback is only $7.99. It’s probably the least expensive collector’s item you’re going to find today.
So there you have it— one new novel, two new paperbacks, and three ebooks on sale. It’s quite a day, no?
What are you waiting for? You’ve got reading to do!
You’re up late. Excited much? 🙂
I’m working past 2am, till I meet my deadline.
Woohoo! Who needs sleep?!
The Accidental War is being delivered today and I should have the paperback of Investments by Friday. Keep putting them out, and I’ll keep ordering them!
I hope you’ve got a nice vacation planned once you’re done, maybe more diving in Indonesia/Malaysia. if you make it over to Taipei, let me know, there are a few places worth eating at that Michelin has never heard of and probably never will.
I see that the ebook covers of the first three are labeled “Author’s Definitive Edition”. What’s changed from my dark-neon-coloured mass-market paperbacks?
I’ve done some rewriting and expansion, mostly in the first volume. It’s probably nothing you’d notice if you weren’t as obsessive as I am.
Happy belated book birthday! My copy of The Accidental War should be arriving today. Hastening off to order Investments.
Praxis on Amazon – 3.99
Same on I-books
Henryk, where are you at? The US or somewhere else?
When I go onto Amazon, I’m offered Praxis at 1.99. Different logarithms for different folks, apparently.
I was up until 2 a.m. finishing The Accidental War and loved it. Need to write a review now. I didn’t re-read the original series first so I could see how the book might read for someone who hadn’t read the first three so I can encourage new readers. Now I’m looking forward to re-reading all 4 books. Off to Kobo to buy ebook copies, since that’s how I read these days. I didn’t see Praxis for $1.99 on Amazon or Kobo; it is $3.99 on both sites for me.
Susan, thanks for the kind words.
And it turns out Praxis was =supposed= to be 3.99, and I just misremembered. I will fix this in the post.
I miss PJ. 🙁
There’s always Ari Abacha.
I hate to bother you with this, but since the question is inevitable, I may as well be the one to get it out of the way 😉 : What are the plans for the sequel? Is this another of a three set series? (“Please, please, please,” lol! That was a great read, thanks!)
Yes, I’m happy to say there will be at least two more.
Yay!! I really enjoyed it. Around 3/4 of the way through, I caught myself getting kind of squirrely. I’d go do the dishes, do some laundry, and so on, pretty much unconsciously. Anything to delay getting to the end. lol.
The DEF books are my favourite among Walter’s work, they were my first time finishing a big fat trilogy of fiction, let alone MilSF.
That’s probably because Walter doesn’t write cookie-cutter MilSF that’s more interested in LARPing WWII or whatever, takes an eyebrow-raising pleasure in depicting carnage, and tbf more often than not wants to sell you various flavours of American fascism.
But DEF is different. It has a deeply humanistic streak that makes it a joy to read. Martinez and Sula may be villain protagonists (one more than the other) but they spend the whole series thinking and mouthing off about how much the uber-totalitarian imperialistic nightmare they serve and its pointless wars suck.
When I read that the Peers constitute one percent of the Empire’s population but hold most of the wealth, I knew this book from 2000 was a winner.
Thanks Walter for creating this series.
(It’ll take a slow reader like me a while to get through it, but the prologue really makes you want to see where this all goes.)
Martinez isn’t a villain, though.
I hope it won’t really be two solid years before the next one is out. And two more for the third. . . . Sigh.
Got the first edition trade paperback in; didn’t know about the other book – thanks for posting about it! On order now!
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