Have a Flight!

by wjw on January 24, 2019

IMG_0054And pour an extra one for yourself, Etaoin Shrdlu, because you’ve won the contest!  I am in fact in Cabo San Lucas, a guest of my longtime friend Terry Boren, whose relations own a timeshare.

It’s not exactly a vacation, because I’ve been writing every day, but normally my week is full of all sorts of expectations other than writing, and this week I have no expectations at all (other than writing).

So Etaoin, please contact me privately with your address, and The Accidental War will be winging its way to you shortly.  Or let me know if you’d prefer another book, and I’ll see if I have it in stock.

-dsr- January 24, 2019 at 7:47 am

Congratulations, Etaoin! May your metal pot always be free of dross.

Etaoin Shrdlu January 24, 2019 at 8:54 am

I’d prefer that you give it to Jon Appel. I never would have guessed it myself. I really thought you were in the Keys and that the “give a more precise location, there are a lot of places in Baja and Hawaii and (hint hint) !!!Wherever Else!!!” quip was misdirection.

Also, good job removing your GPS location from the IPhone metadata. 🙂 First thing I looked for. 🙂

Etaoin Shrdlu January 24, 2019 at 8:56 am

@dsr I’ve gone lead-free now! ROHS and all that, don’cha know. 🙂

wjw January 27, 2019 at 10:49 pm

Very gentlemanly of you, M Shrdlu. How about I send you each a book?

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