This Week’s Rainbow

by wjw on May 24, 2019

IMG_5117Here’s the rainbow from a few nights ago.

According to Oz Drummond, who is married to a meteorologist, the Middle Rio Grande Valley has experienced 660% of its normal rainfall so far in 2019.

And here I thought it was Florida that was supposed to be sinking.

Etaoin Shrdlu May 25, 2019 at 3:27 am

Man, in a few more years, the New Mexico rice crop is going to flood the market and dampen prices.

Susan May 27, 2019 at 12:33 am

Here in central MD we got over 70 inches of rain in 2018, and we’re on track to do the same thing again in 2019. I’ve spent some time in New Mexico and I remember it being quite dry, but I was mostly in the area around Carlsbad Caverns. Over 6 times the normal rainfall is quite impressive though, regardless of the number of inches received.

John Appel May 28, 2019 at 9:05 pm

And Staten Island has a tornado warning tonight. But everything is fine.

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