I Am At Worldcon

by wjw on December 14, 2021

I am at Discon III, in Washington D.C., the long-postponed Worldcon for 2021. We’re all masked and vaccinated and I will find out if it’s possible to have fun under these conditions.

In the meantime, I’m on a bunch of programming, so if you’re in the neighborhood, please stop by and say hi.

Here’s my schedule.

The 1:00 PM    1 Hr          Blue Room                  721         The Work of Nancy Kress                           

Thu 5:30 PM    1 Hr          Forum Room                 625         Finding the Authorial Voice                       

Fri 9:00 AM    50 Min        Hotel Lobby                893         Stroll with the Stars (Friday)                    

Sat 10:00 AM   50 Min        Suite 325 Main Room        977         Kaffeeklatsch With Walter Jon Williams            

Sat 11:30 AM   50 Min        Autographs 2               1052        Signing - Walter Jon Williams                     

Sun 10:00 AM   50 Min        Blue Room                  933         The Phylogenetic Tree of Space Opera              

John Appel December 14, 2021 at 8:35 pm

I’ll get there sometime Thursday afternoon! Hopefully will be able to catch up with you there at some point.

oofoe December 15, 2021 at 9:25 pm

Once again, international travel is being heavily discouraged here. And if the stern warnings from various health officials weren’t enough, the $1600 bill for the four required C19 tests would certainly persuade me.

While I won’t get a chance to see it, I hope it goes well and you have a good time!

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