I Am Scoundrelized

by wjw on February 2, 2022

Once again I find myself bundled with a bunch of other writers.

The Science Fiction Writers of America have curated Scoundrels in Space, a bundle of twelve novels, all available for a more than reasonable price. The featured four novels are available for whatever you want to pay, but if you want all twelve, it’ll set you back a whole $20. Considering that buying them individually would drain you of at least $60, the $20 deal is a bargain however you look at it.

My own contribution is House of Shards, featuring my Allowed Burglar, Drake Maijstral, as he goes toe-to-toe with the most famous burglar in the galaxy in a battle over possession of the greatest gem in the universe.

Here’s some copy for you:

The con artists, thieves, and space pirates of tomorrow fascinate us, all the more because these motley ne’er-do-wells so often end up saving the universe despite their incorrigibility. Pick up the SFWA Scoundrels in Space StoryBundle and get to know twelve such spacefarers who live on the fringes of a dozen wildly different worlds, until circumstances force each of them into hard choices and more adventure than they expected.

The bundle will be available only for the next 22 days, so best pick it up now. Proceeds will be split between the authors and SFWA, and help keep us in business for another year.

grs1961 February 2, 2022 at 4:20 am

Well, eleven new books (of /course/ I already have Shards) for USD25’s not bad. Even if a few are volume 1 of n.

But, oh dear! The list of other bundles available!!!

S. R. Cronin February 3, 2022 at 3:33 pm

Nice write up. Enjoyed reading this!

Oofoe February 8, 2022 at 8:39 am

Thanks for mentioning this, they look interesting!

I understand that there are good and sufficient reasons there’s not more Drake Maijstral stories in the world, but I greatly enjoyed them and still do, when the opportunity arises for a reread.

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