Freedom . . . from water

by wjw on April 11, 2023

I was starting to breathe the air of freedom, for I’ve done all my Taos Toolbox reading and delivered the taxes to the accountant, which between them was taking up about 80% of my energy.

And then the water pressure died, and there was no water in the house.

This necessitated an after-hours visit from our plumber, who fixed the problem in two minutes.

See, when last week’s horrific sludge incident took place, I unscrewed the well’s breaker box to see if there was a problem, and there wasn’t. And then, being distracted with the human waste bubbling up into my shower, I failed to tighten the screw down all the way.

Which meant that there was a vibration. Which somehow cut power to the pump. And now the screw is down tight, and we have water.

The plumber allowed as how he was embarrassed to charge me for an after-hours visit, so he’s just going to charge for a regular call, $75.

I call that equitable.

James Strickland April 12, 2023 at 12:09 pm

I’m sure yours is a lovely home, but your travails with on-site water and sewer make me very grateful to live in a city that provides both.Glad things worked out, and you’ve definitely found a good plumber.


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