Six Thousand Russian Spam

by wjw on September 5, 2023

I apologize if you tried to post a reply here in the last few weeks, because as your post was waiting for approval it was buried under nearly 6000 Russian spam. I was delating the spam as fast as I could, but I could only delete one spam from the Pending file at a time, and during that period hundreds of spam could fly up. I believe only one post, from James Strickland, actually made it to the public.

I had to delete the entire Pending file and block anyone from posting on my blog. I hope to open at least the most recent posts to comments, as soon as I can do that without opening the floodgates to the Cyrillic horde.

At least none of the spam actually reached the light of day, so you won’t be able to access a list of plumbers in your area, or find out how to receive the millions of dollars waiting for you in a warehouse in Bahrain.

Stay tuned. I’ll let you know when I can open topics for comment.

UPDATE: Most of the posts of the last three months have been opened for comments, the exceptions being announcements of things that have already happened or posts that were informative but not intended to start discussions.

John Appel September 6, 2023 at 7:40 am

One of the more annoying aspects of living in this future. As prescient as Brunner’s SHOCKWAVE RIDER was, it’s a wonder he didn’t include spambots. In any case, sorry for your recent boatload of difficulties and hope the road ahead of you is smoother than it’s been of late.

John F. MacMichael September 6, 2023 at 3:14 pm

Thanks for the explanation. I had been wondering what had happened to the comments.

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