Real Science

by wjw on May 19, 2009

The National Institute of Health, following the instructions of President O, have released their new guidelines for stem cell research.

We are now nearing the end of the two-week comment period. Despite the new guidelines being rather on the timid side of the political spectrum, various conservative religious organizations have organized a mass protest, resulting in the NIH being flooded with negative comments from brainwashed God-wallopers.

Since I’m never in the mood for kowtowing to people who demand that superstition have a veto over actual science, I suggest a bit of balancing is in order.

Go to this site, and do what the nice folks say. You have till May 26, but you might as well do it right now.

Rebecca S. May 19, 2009 at 5:21 am

Thanks for the link and the nudge.

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